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​- be applied in 



In the develop phase of the project, the team of MASEDI students had already a great number of potential concepts initiated at the Ideation and Prototype Workshops. The main purpose of this stage was to evaluate their potential to be implemented and meet the specific requirements and expectations of PLAN UK. Besides, the aim was also to choose four main concepts to develop further, and concentrate on more detailed prototyping, testing with potential supporters, to iterate according to the feedback provided by the testers and the PLAN UK representatives, and as the result, to present the iterated concepts’ specifications in detail. 

Keywords: Prototype, Object, Craft, Fast, Lo-fi, Participatory Design

Time & Location: 05/2017-07/2017, London




At this stage, it was necessary to prepare deliverables for the four chosen concepts in that case. The prototyping sessions followed by testing activities with the potential supporters helped to fully understand the services provided within each of the concepts, as well as to identify the user’s values and opportunities for PLAN UK. Each of the concepts was presented to the PLAN UK representatives, and their feedback and evaluation were used to start the iteration process and final deliverables preparation, which are presented at the end of this stage. 

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